The skies were cloudy with a thick marine layer. But there were some nice tidal areas and pools.
Here is a nice anemone is a small pool. A couple hours at Natural Bridges State Beach was a nice start to our trip.
After a nice breakfast at the boardwalk, we went to Costco to stock up on supplies. It was a really big Costco and we got everything we needed. Then we headed up to Ano Nuevo State Reserve. Its about 30 miles north of Santa Cruz. Ano Nuevo is famous for being the place where the Elephant seals breed and calve. That happens around the new year (hence the name). IN the summer the elephant seals come up on the beach to shed their old skin. The seals are found after a mile and a halk walk through the sand dunes.
At the end oth the walk there was quite a gathering of elephant seals on the beach. I really like this picture of a small one.
Here is a close look at the biggest male who was there. He was quite big, but nothing compared to one of the largest males which can weigh a five thousand pounds and be 14 feet long. As the males mature they get a big shout which you can see on this one.
Here is a baby, throwing sand on its back while it basks in the sun.
In this group of seals you can see one with a GPS glues to its back. It also has the number 3053 on its back. The GPS allows researchers to monitor the migration and behavior of the seals.
Here is Diane with a fossilized wale skull at a little visitor center along the walk. Getting to see all the elephant seals was a treat.
After Ano Nuevo we went back to Santa Cruz to have dinner with a former lab member from the old days. She first worked with me as a high school student. It was great to catch up. Then we headed further south to Monterey for more ocean fun.
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