Monday, May 31, 2010

Next Stop High School

Bart Graduates from the 8th Grade the end of May. It was a nice ceremony. He is getting big. I guess we are all getting older.

St. Petersburg

In late May Tom had to go to St. Petersburg, Russia. In was a short but interesting trip. The big Cathedral was the Cathedral of the Spilled Blood. Below is a picture shot up into one of the onion shaped spires.

Another highlight was the Hermatage Museum. This wonderful Matisse was there.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bart Sings in the Spring Concert

Bart sings with the concert choir at Bryan Middle School. There was some kid with a big head (and hair) that made it impossible to get a good picture of Bart from our seats.

Bart looks like he enjoyed his last choir concert at Bryan Middle School

Tom in the Czech Republic

It was a special gathering in Prague for the 100th anniversary of the discovery of retroviruses. Called the "Centennial Meeting of Retroviruses" it was was a meeting of many American and European Retrovirologists, including 2 Nobel Prize winners. The food was like I had as a grew up and the beer was tasty and cheap. Prague itself was beautiful.

Tom giving his talk at the meeting. They had a microphone headset, like Madonna.

Tom with the guard at the main entrance to the Prague Castle.

For my parents Joan and John it was a celebration of 50 years of marriage. Almost every one made it for the gathering, family, neighbors, and friends.

My sister Connie's children. Nephews Gabriel (holding his sisters head) and Isiah. Niece Alissa. At least she looked at the camera.

Mom was so happy! She really enjoyed the gathering.

Auntie Loretta and (need to doublecheck) who is some type of cousin

Cousin Gail on left and my sister Connie on the right.

Everyone had a fun time as you can see. Cousin Sharon in the center. 2nd cousin Alison holding a 3rd cousin baby. 2nd cousin Andy in the lower left corner.

Family from Michigan. Auntie Myra in the center. COusin Lynn hugging her husband Tom. There son P is seated next to them. Cousin Anita is on the left.

My brother Alan, his wife Thresa, son Elijah, and daughter Kiera.

50 years marriage! A great reason to bring friends and family together to celebrate.